Coastal Research Centre (FZK) News and Events News
Prof. Schlurmann elected 1st Deputy Chairman of KDM

Prof. Schlurmann elected 1st Deputy Chairman of KDM

As part of the 25th general meeting of the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) e.V., Berlin and Brussels, on June 11, 2024, Prof. T. Schlurmann was unanimously appointed by the management of the member institutions as the new first deputy chairman of the board for the 2024 term -27 elected. He follows Prof. Dr. Karen Wiltshire, Vice Director of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), in this position.

The election not only confirms the trust placed in him by the members, but also represents recognition of the work he has done to date on the strategic development and content of the association. Furthermore, the election is also a confirmation of the engineering perspectives in coastal and marine research and recognition of the As part of the 25th general meeting of the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) e.V., Berlin and Brussels, on June 11, 2024, Prof. T. Schlurmann was unanimously appointed by the management of the member institutions as the new first deputy chairman of the board for the 2024 term -27 elected. He follows Prof. Dr. Karen Wiltshire, Vice Director of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), in this position. The election not only confirms the trust placed in him by the members, but also represents recognition of the work he has done to date on the strategic development and content of the association. Furthermore, the election is also a confirmation of the engineering perspectives in coastal and marine research and recognition of the Research achievements of the entire team and the unique large-scale research infrastructures at the Leibniz University of Hannover and the Technical University of Braunschweig under the umbrella of the Coastal Research Center (FZK).

KDM was founded in 2004 and is an association of 20 university and non-university research institutions in the fields of marine, polar or coastal research. KDM is complementary to the German Alliance for Marine Research (DAM), founded by the federal government of the five coastal states in 2019, which pursues other tasks, especially in the transfer and provision of orientation and action knowledge for politics, business and civil society, but with with comparable content orientation and identical members, represents German marine research to the outside world.

According to the resolutions of the general meetings of both associations, the main task of the boards of KDM and DAM in the coming months will be to merge both organizations into a new joint association in order to promote and coordinate German marine research and to maintain Germany's leading position internationally as one of the most influential and disciplinary to further expand the broadest associations.

Further information can be found on the websites of both associations: