Coastal protection structures
waveSTEPS - Wave run-up and overtopping on a stepped revetmentLudwig-Franzius-Insitut, FH AachenLed by: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torsten Schlurmann, Dr.-Ing. Sven LiebischTeam:Year: 2018Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschungs (BMBF)Duration: 01.08.2016 - 31.07.2019
© Forschungszentrum Küste
Physical Model Erosion Tests on Loam Material under Wave ActionLed by: Dr.-Ing. Stefan SchimmelsTeam:Year: 2017Duration: 02.01.2017 - 12.04.2017
© Forschungszentrum Küste
Focused wave experiments (HyReS)Led by: Dr.-Ing. Stefan SchimmelsTeam:Year: 2014Funding: u HYDRALAB IV
WAVESLAM - Wave Slamming Forces on Truss Structures in Shallow WaterUniversity of Stavanger Norwegian; University of Science and Technology (NTNU); University of Gdansk TU Hamburg; Reinertsen AS; MARINTEK; Det norske Veritas; Statoil; Areva WindLed by: Professor Ove T. Gudmestad, UiS and Associate Professor Øivind A. ArntsenYear: 2013Funding: HYDRALAB IV - Transnational Access
Experimental study on the performance of well-greade rubble material as scour protection - phase IIIFranzius-Institut für Wasserbau, Ästuar- und Küsteningenieurwesen, Forschungszentrum KüsteLed by: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Torsten SchlurmannTeam:Year: 2012Funding: Mibau Baustoffhandel GmbH
Large scale measurements of wave loads and mapping of impact pressure distribution at the underside of parapetsUniversity of Southampton Engineering and the Environment Highfield SouthamptonLed by: Dr. Gerald Müller, Dr. Dimitris StagonasYear: 2012Funding: HYDRALAB IV - Transnational Access
Impact loads on vertical storm walls by overtopping wavesCoastal Engineering Laboratory, Ghent University (Belgium); Forschungszentrum Küste (FZK)Led by: Prof. Dr. Ir. Julien de RouckYear: 2011Funding: Ghent University